

Mural Arts Philadelphia, the nation's largest public arts program, 为费城一些最贫困的市民带来工作和保障. And JPMorgan Chase is there to help.

January 31, 2022

费城以很多东西而闻名,包括洛基、自由钟和芝士牛排. 但几个世纪以来,它最令人印象深刻的贡献之一是它的公共艺术——这一传统一直延续到今天,它的街头壁画收藏令人惊叹(而且还在不断增长).

“The murals are so much a part of Philadelphia," says Chandra Williams, a JPMorgan Chase community manager, who was born and raised in the city. “They're embedded in our neighborhoods. It brings a sense of pride to have such beautiful, community-inspired works of art in our daily lives."

通过费城壁画艺术的努力,这一遗产今天仍在继续, the nation's largest public art program. Based in the idea that art ignites change, 该组织每年在费城安装75幅壁画.

城市周围的墙壁并不是壁画艺术引发变化的唯一地方. The organization also runs The Guild, which grew out of efforts to work with graffiti artists, 为刚从监狱释放的人提供带薪学徒.

“When JPMorgan Chase entered the Philadelphia market, 我们找到了社区支持的“同类中最好的”非营利组织," says Lisl Stanton, Vice President for Community Sponsorships at JPMorgan Chase. “费城壁画艺术一直是人们谈论的第一个组织之一, so we approached them, asking how we could help."

A Partnership from the Streets to the City's Walls

A Partnership from the Streets to the City's Walls

答案很简单:壁画艺术想要创建一个移动艺术工作室,将艺术课程带到城市中服务不足的社区. Partnering with Philadelphia Parks and Rec, teaching artists offer three-week sessions at a rec center, 他们带来了社区成员创作代表他们自己和社区的艺术所需的一切. 该项目还通过“游戏街”(playstreets)为整个城市的孩子们提供活动工具包. Designed to help Philadelphia's kids create art on their own, 这个旅行工作室每年为一千多名儿童提供服务.

移动艺术工作室和儿童活动工具包只是银行与费城壁画艺术合作的开始. JPMorgan Chase funded the Art Ignites Change podcast, 并为疫情期间困在家里的儿童提供了涂色书和美术包. The relationship continued in October 2021, when JPMorgan Chase sponsored Mural Arts Month, a month-long celebration of public art in Philadelphia.

“如果没有澳博官方网站app这样的大公司赞助商,我们的工作就无法完成," says Jane Golden, executive director of Mural Arts Philadelphia. “Through our murals, we're able to connect Philadelphians throughout the city, showing them their lives count, their voices matter. Chase is a part of that."

A Month of Celebration

2021年的壁画艺术月在今年尤为重要:2020年, the event was canceled due to the pandemic. 这座城市需要艺术,也需要市民力量的提醒. With that in mind, Mural Arts Philadelphia chose the theme Resilience, 庆祝费城人在疫情期间表现出的力量.

作为壁画艺术月的一部分,该组织在费城举办了30场活动. In addition to three mural dedications, there were zoom panel discussions, an exhibit of artwork from their 2021 fellowship, and mural tours. 壁画艺术甚至在城市周围的社区举办了一些秋季节日.

除了赞助这次活动,大通银行还为其在宾夕法尼亚州埃克斯顿的分支机构委托制作了一幅壁画. The work, We're Everywhere Part 2, by artist Marian Bailey, 是在费城国际机场的一件作品的延续, and shows black women in uncommon situations: Skydiving, space, scuba diving, and even relaxing in the sun. Before designing the mural, 贝利沉浸在这个地区,以确保她捕捉到这个社区的核心和灵魂. 她说:“这幅壁画描绘了这样一个事实,那就是黑人已经无处不在,而且将永远无处不在。.

On October 28, Chandra Williams attended the dedication of Declaration这是一幅由艺术家Dwayne Reginald Betts和Titus Kaphar构思的壁画. 参与这个项目的一些画家是公会计划的成员. 费城殖民历史的希望与贯穿美国历史的种族斗争并存, 这幅壁画平衡了《澳博官方网站app》中“人人生而平等”的大胆主张和五分之三的妥协, 它决定了非裔美国奴隶将被算作一个人的五分之三,以确定众议院代表人数.

Providing Financial Outreach

Providing Financial Outreach

威廉姆斯估计,她参加的活动多达75人, and she was honored to participate in the events. “Philadelphia is a grass roots city," she says. “When we support local organizations, JPMorgan Chase becomes part of the local economy, 我们有机会成为一家社区银行,而不是一家“大银行”.'"

与壁画艺术的合作也给了威廉姆斯与莫里斯之家合作的机会, 一个为跨性别者和性别不一致者提供综合服务的住宅康复项目. 该组织通过门廊灯项目与费城壁画艺术公司合作, 哪个关注的是那些处理心理健康问题或创伤的人的健康和幸福.

作为威廉姆斯工作的一部分,她还为与她合作的团体提供金融研讨会. In this case, 她正在通过费城壁画艺术参与恢复性司法项目, and also with Morris House.

“We're delivering financial health to them," Williams says. "We're teaching them about savings, credit 101, and that it's important that when they receive their checks, they're financially healthy as well."